NTP server with GPS and chrony

Kovasky Buezo | Apr 7, 2023 min read

edited on: May 17, 2024


I wanted to easily synchronize the time between my VMs and decided to set up an ntp server to accomplish this. Since a USB GPS device is relatively inexpensive, I thought it would be a great addition to the project.

For the following examples, I used aptitude and vim.

Prerequisite Packages

Run the following command to ensure we have the necessary packages:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gpsd gpsd-clients chrony

Check /dev for GPS

Once the gps is connected to the pc, we need to figure out the assigned device. This can be any of /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyAMA0.

If unsure of which device it is, we can always run:

cat /dev/$device

We should be able to see a stream with coordinates and strings like “GPGGA” and “GPGSA”.

Modify gpsd.conf and start the service

After getting the correct device, we will need to modify the configuration file located at “/etc/default/gpsd”. It should contain the following:


After this we should enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable gpsd && sudo systemctl start gpsd

Modify chrony.conf and start the service

The configuration file will either be in “/etc/chrony.conf” or “/etc/chrony/chrony.conf”

driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony/drift


refclock SHM 0 refid GPS precision 1e-1 offset 0.9999 delay 0.2
refclock SHM 1 refid PPS precision 1e-7

After this we should enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable chronyd && sudo systemctl start chronyd

Checking chrony status

Theres a few things we can check to see if everything was set up correctly. To see if chrony takes in the gps data, we can run the following:

chronyc sources

And to see if it is working as intended, we can run:

chronyc tracking

The output should look similar to the image at the top of this post.


After following these steps, we should have a working ntp server and all that is left is to point any client to the ip of the host running chrony.